Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My teenage son has a mood disorder and is out of control?

My son has had a mood disorder dx 4 yrs ago %26amp; in March he went to residential tx finally after a life time of hell at home, school %26amp; everywhere. He was suppossed to stay one year, but his dad took him out after 31/2 mos. He claims he has greatly improved. He did not give it a chance to work and my son just screamed %26amp; fought w/me for 11/2hr. then went outside and jumped all over the hood of the car we are trying to sell %26amp; hit it with a skateboard denting it from front to back. I can't get his dad or his family to agree there is a serious problem. He has been dx 4 times, but they wont agree with any Dr., school district, child protective services or anyone that tries to help. In his last regular school year, he went thru 5 schools in 1 yr cuz of his uncontrollable behavior. We finally had a yr or more of guaranteed peace and tx, but his father refused it. I don't know what to do anymore I feel like I am going to lose my mind. I have to cry and hide in my room to get away from him.My teenage son has a mood disorder and is out of control?
I work for aplace called BOST. it is a waiver facility for mentally ill, mood disorder people, mentally retarded and autistic people. I am the case manager there and see this thing every day with my clients. But before they started the program they were worse than they are now. He really needs some medication for this, a doctor def. Pschycologist and look into some kind of medicaid waiver program. They train staff to deal with these kinds of things and also train you as well to better control things that happen with your son. I dont know where you live to help you find somewhere in your area to see if they have have such program. Your husband is so wrong to not want to do anything about this. I do believe a special program , meds and a dr will alleviate some of these problems, even though your son will have this for the rest of his life he will be much better in his intermittent displosive behavior. Which he will probably be diagnosed with when he sees a Dr. IF you can get ahold of me some way in email or im i will so further help u with this situation as much as i can I do believe in maybe the police to help you in case he is hurting himself or someone else in your family but i also believe it will make things worse for him and will not help him get better in any wayMy teenage son has a mood disorder and is out of control?
It sounds like there is a lot of bickering and tension between you and his father. Is this the way things have always been? Ask yourself how much that might have to do with the state of things and try to get into FAMILY counseling with your son AND his father.

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call the police and child protective services you dont even have to give your name. tell them what is going on with him. if they check him then no one can take him out until the dr. says he is ok. remember you can keep your name annomous if you dont wnt anyone to know who did it.good luck.
Simple, call the police and have him charged with vandalism and destruction of private property, if his dad won't deal with him, then let the state deal with him.
Have him involatarly addmited into a hospital or clinic yourself and make sure your the only person that is allowed to take him out or even better make sure he is not allowed out unless the doctors say he is well enough.

Its not fair on you to go through all of this but im sure you do not want to call the police (unless it gets to the stage where he is psycally harming you). My boyfriend is like this, but a week after taking his meds religiously he started getting better and better and now he doesnt rage at all. So getting your son started on a medication that works, and making sure he sticks to it is vital!

I hope all goes well!
If he is under the age of 18, get a social worker with the help of your family doctor or with the aid of a child advocacy center in your community. These people can help you with paperwork to get a guardian ad litem through the courts who will then help you to petition the court for him to be placed in the treatment facility REGARDLESS of what his father wants. Also, each and every time he starts to cause a ruckus with you or anyone else at the house, immediately call 911 and report it. They will have to come out and make a formal investigation and it will create a 'paper trail' for you. The more you have on record to back up the need for him to get serious treatment, the better your chances of getting him the help he so desperately needs.

Best of luck to you.

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