Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What would you consider a ';normal teenage girl'; to be like?

How would you describe the typical teenage girl?What would you consider a ';normal teenage girl'; to be like?
most would say one that dresses appropiatly gets good grades hangs out with her friends gets along with he family realativly well and has healthy relationships. but that never happens so there is no normWhat would you consider a ';normal teenage girl'; to be like?
hahah.. my sisters name is Brooke...and she is a bit off!!! a totaly hippy!!! but yeah umm there is no norm...sorry. Even if there was...why would anyone want to be normal??? thats boring!!!
American teenage girl or general (from all other countries where they raise them differently) teenage girl? There is a big difference. The general one has a brain.
Ok Te: if you were as smart as you think you are you wouldn't judge a whole country of kids.

I'm 17, I think I'm normal. I can be moody sometimes but not too extreme. I get along w my bros %26amp; sister %26amp; my mom okay. I usually write in text here %26amp; on IM's just because its easier, but I don't write like that for school. I used to be really into dance but I had to stop after my parents got divorced because it cost too much. I love shopping, but the town we just moved to doesn't even have a mall. I want to move in with my grandma in Long Beach and go to college out there with my cousins. I want to study fashion merchandising and then work for a big department store like Macy's or Bloomingdales when I'm older. I have a boyfriend. I sometimes go to church. Um, I don't know what else makes me normal or not.
There is no norm. However, they do all have the same sexual organs.

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