I am in an organization that saysthat we aren't allowed to date. We won't be allowed to date unless we can prove so,me points to our leader that it is okay to date. He wants to know where in the bible does it give qualifications for a girlfriend/boyfriend. he realizes that there are qualifications for a ';help-mate'; but not a gf/bf. anyone have any points i could present?Does the bible say anything about teenage dating?
I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness. This sounds a lot like what they told us as teeneagers. Basically they said you weren't supposed to date until you were ready for marriage. It doesn't really say anything regarding teen dating in the bible. Then again, people got married a lot younger in those days. Anyway, dating isn't really covered in the bible. Only marriage and not to be unevenly yoked and all that... Your ';leader'; is making up rules to try to avert disatster. JW's did it because teenage hormones run crazy and they didn't want anyone doing anything ';immoral.';Does the bible say anything about teenage dating?
No, in the Bible they were arranging marriages just like the people in India do or the people in Africa often do.
For instance, it had already been arranged that Mary and Joseph would marry. I can't think of any dating that was going on. You could pray that God will tell you who is the right one, or that he will tell you what to do.
in the times during which the bible was written, daughters were married off before or around the age of 14.
they also had no say in the matter, as they were considered the property of their family, to be duly traded off to the potential husband for whatever sum.
yea, leave the group for starters...
the bible says we need to have sex so we can give life. but having sex without dating first is prostitution.
but seriously, leave the group %26gt;.%26lt;
When the Bible was written, there was no such thing as dating.
I would recommend not joining a group that tries to control intimate details of your life like that.
The Bible also doesn't mention if making cupcakes is right or moral. I doubt in the grand scheme of the universe it makes one iota of difference.
As far as I know it is allowed except for Pre-marital thing.........
Nothing is written against it or about it.
i dont think the bible says anything about dating or not dating... just no pre-marital sex.... why not just date anyways and not tell your leader?
No, it doesn't really say anything about teenagers as far as I know.
The bible has all the answers, except the ones we can really use.
No points, just a word of advice: Find new friends.
Yeah, they could marry when they were 12 and older
Yes, it says ';thou shalt spuff in you pants a the slightest touch!';
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